
剧情描述:Parte 1 da história de Renato e sua m?e Roberta, num domingo ensolarado, feito inteiramente no sequencer. Pe?o perd?o, mas para mim é impossível por áudio, pois sou surdo. A parte 2 tá pronta, falta só editar. Espero que gostem. Obrigado.Part 1 of the history of Renato and his mother Roberta, done entirely on sequencer. Sorry, but it039;s impossible for me to set up audio, cause I039;m deaf. Also, many apologies for not being in english, but as a matter of fact I don039;t speak english (these lines you are reading took me 2 hours to write, and a lot of research and translators). Hope you enjoy, though. Part 2 is ready as well, and I039;m posting it after recoding.Thanks.